How does nitrogen leaf burn impact yield? What about leaf wetness at application? Will wet leaves mitigate the potential for damage from a nitrogen application? Those are just some of the questions University of Guelph researcher Josh Nasielski and RealAgriculture’s Bernard Tobin tackle on this episode of the RealAgriculture Corn School. Tobin caught up with… Read More

What does it mean to struggle well? In 2006, then Major Mark Gasparotto, now retired as a Colonel, led the combat engineers during Operation Medusa in Afghanistan, Canada’s largest combat mission since the Korean War. As a keynote speaker, Gasparotto now shares how the lessons learned on that mission, of leadership following friendly fire, of… Read More

When it comes to improving fertilizer application and utilization, growers are encouraged to focus on the 4Rs — the right source, right rate, right time, and right place. Former Manitoba Ag soil fertility specialist John Heard won’t argue with that strategy but he would also like farmers to think about the ‘4Ls’ — lift-off, leftover,… Read More

What’s the most economic rate of nitrogen for corn? Where is that line between feeding the crop the right amount of the yield-producing nutrient and wasting dollars on excess product? University of Guelph sustainable cropping systems professor Dr. Adrian Correndo says a lot of field trials and research brainpower has been invested in identifying an… Read More

Biologicals hold great promise for improving crop production. From increasing root activity, soil microbes, and nutrient availability to building plant resiliency to abiotic stresses — this emerging crop input segment is bursting with product choices. But for farmers, selecting which product and application is right for their acres can be a daunting and confusing task…. Read More

Sweat the details and practice, practice, practice. It may sound like gridiron football strategy but it will also make farmers winners in the battle to improve soil health, says North Dakota-based independent agronomist and crop consultant Lee Briese. When it comes to improving soil health there are plenty of fixes — from reducing tillage to… Read More

Leaf twisting, burning, cupping, or crinkling — those are just some of the signs that a crop may be suffering from herbicide injury. Why do herbicides cause crop injury? University of Guelph weed researcher Dr. Peter Sikkema says injury causes can be classified into seven basic categories. That list includes extreme weather, unique or variable… Read More

When it comes to herbicides, the power to kill weeds and protect crops rests with the active ingredient. But how products are formulated can determine whether an effective active can be a winner or a loser in the field. “Quite frankly, there are active ingredients out there that wouldn’t be a product if not for… Read More

Growers and agronomists typically focus on the ear leaf at flowering when tissue testing corn to determine nutrient needs. But is that still the best choice for determining the optimal nutrient prescription for the crop as it moves into the reproductive stages? Purdue University professor emeritus Dr. Tony Vyn believes the evolution of modern hybrids… Read More