As with other aspects of farming, automation is finding its way into the process of managing mortalities. Dutch Industries, based at Pilot Butte, Saskatchewan, has designed what looks like a big top-heavy green box that it calls the “BioMulcher.” The unit heats, grinds and mixes, composting up to 2,500 pounds of material per batch. “After… Read More
Category: Tradeshows Events
Farming Smarter hosted its field school in Lethbridge, AB this week. RealAgriculture’s Jason Stroeve was there and took the opportunity to speak to Farming Smarter’s assistant manager Jamie Puchinger. In the below interview, Puchinger describes this year’s agenda, which included morning sessions on herbicides and weather considerations for spraying. The afternoon offered participants the opportunity to choose their… Read More
It’s easy to jump to conclusions when diagnosing issues in livestock. But, when a team from the University of Calgary, stumbled upon a case of lameness that just didn’t seem to be going away, they knew to look beyond the oft-blamed culprit of footrot. “This was a very experienced producer. He had a lot of animals,… Read More
Freeform Plastics describes its Chembine as “a cutting-edge way of mixing and blending your chemicals.” The chem-handler offers a 66 gallon (US) capacity designed for increased agitation, and faster jug emptying time. Vertical ribs lock the tank into its stand, and, combined with a powerful vortex cycling jet system, step up agitation in the tank. The square knife… Read More
Carrying 9,000 US gallons of liquid fertilizer, CW Mowat Manufacturing, based near New Norway, Alberta, has built what might be the largest single-frame liquid caddy in the world. The FLC 9000 ST was on display at Canada’s Farm Progress Show in Regina earlier this month, on its way to a customer in southern Saskatchewan. When… Read More
You go out to check the cows, and you see a calf with scours — what do you do? For many producers, the first course of action involves a bolus gun. But, it’s actions like this that have led Franklyn Garry, professor at Colorado State University, to unabashedly assert that “we grossly overuse antibiotics.” Neonatal Scours… Read More
Fuel theft is unfortunately an all-too-common problem on farms. As operations grow larger, and with more uninhabited farm yards, thieves may find fuel tanks unsupervised and unprotected. To keep fuel where it’s supposed to be, Kenneth Johnson and Jace Ericson of Estevan, Saskatchewan came up with their own solution: a steel cabinet for fuel transfer pumps on tanks. Their creation — the Defender… Read More
At least 29 farmers will receive less than 15 cents on the dollar for crops they delivered to Naber Specialty Grains Ltd., the Melfort, Saskatchewan-based specialty crop buyer that went into receivership in June 2015. The commissioner for the Canadian Grain Commission (CGC), Murdoch MacKay, suggests proposed changes to the CGC’s producer payment security program… Read More
Manitoba’s inaugural Canolapalooza was held earlier this week in Portage, a combination of a canola field day and a summer festival, complete with mini-golf, a movie theatre and mud wrestling. Or mud arm wrestling, to be specific. Manitoba Mud Wrestling Federation-sanctioned referee John Heard joined Kelvin Heppner to discuss their soil-themed contribution to the field day… Read More
It’s hard to imagine a plough that does more than…well, plough. But Kverneland, a Norway-based agricultural machinery company, decided it was time to put some ‘intelligence’ in the system. The company showcased its 2500 i-Plough at Agritechnica in Hanover, Germany, where RealAgriculture’s Shaun Haney stopped by the booth to find out more. “It can handle… Read More