Now in its third year, the Alberta Wheat and Alberta Barley Plot2Farm program is turning out some excellent data regarding questions on nitrogen management, the timing of plant growth regulators, and seeding rates. Jeremy Boychyn, agronomy research extension agronomist with the commissions, says the field-scale, on-farm research program provides producers with the framework to implement… Read More

On November 2, 2022, Alberta farmers who submit a levy to the Alberta Wheat Commission and the Alberta Barley Commission voted in favour of amalgamating the commissions. Tara Sawyer, chair of Alberta Barley, was at the commissions’ annual event, Prairie Cereals Summit, held at Banff, Alta., where she discussed the path going forward which, as… Read More

You’re out in a piece of new machinery and something in the computer system breaks down. Are you equipped to fix it? Do you have the right to repair it? Geoff Backman, manager of business development and markets at the Alberta Wheat and Barley Commissions, says farmers’ frustrations continue to grow as they don’t have… Read More

As farmers continue to look for answers to questions they are faced with on their farm, the need for on-farm research programs continues. One of these on-farm research programs is the Alberta Wheat and Barley Commissions Plot2Farm program. Jeremy Boychyn, agronomy research extension specialist with Alberta Wheat and Barley Commissions, was at the Prairie Cereals… Read More

In November, John Barlow, MP for Foothills, was re-named to the position as the Conservatives’ shadow minister for agriculture. Among Barlow’s current priorities is the attention — or lack thereof — that country-of-origin labelling (COOL) is currently getting in Ottawa. As the conversations grow in strength with a bipartisan bill in the U.S. senate surrounding… Read More

Using 280 words to say what you feel about a certain subject, or to describe what’s going on at your farm operation, is a thing of the past according to one keynote speaker at the Prairie Cereals Summit. Jordyn Prior, an essay contest winner, says she’s seen a shift in which social media platforms consumers… Read More