At the risk of sounding like a broken record, there’s a surprising amount of optimism among Western Canadian farmers heading into the 2017 seeding season (and in many cases, the conclusion of the 2016 harvest.) Jim Hale of Lancer, David Olson of Tisdale, and Trevor Scherman of Battleford, Saskatchewan joined Shaun following the TechTour Live… Read More
Category: Techtourlive
Despite a wet fall and the potential for flooding this spring, there’s definitely some optimism among Manitoba farmers heading into the 2017 planting season. Shaun sat down with three producers from across the southern portion of the province following the TechTour Live event in Brandon earlier this month. Kyle Friesen of Altona, Dwayne Leslie of Portage and Ron… Read More
Think about how much time is spent driving on a farm. Sitting in a cab operating a truck or tractor is a fundamental part of what farming is today. So what would farmers do if they didn’t have to spend that time driving machines? As artificial intelligence advances and faster computing speeds enable machine-learning, driving… Read More
Are you searching for balance in your daily life? Have you found it? In this edition of the RealAg Bookclub podcast we’ll discuss the challenges of finding life balance with Dan Thurmon, author of Off Balance On Purpose. We find out how Thurmon seeks to free readers from the “balance” dilemma and empowers them to adopt a new approach… Read More
Are you searching for balance in your daily life? Have you found it? We’ll explore that challenge in our next RealAg Bookclub podcast with Dan Thurmon, author of Off Balance On Purpose. In his book, Thurmon frees readers from the “balance” dilemma and empowers them to adopt a new approach to creating a happy, fulfilling… Read More
What do you want to improve on your farm this spring? As part of TechTour LIVE last month, Rob Hannam of Synthesis Agri-Food Network encouraged farmers to apply “lean” principles to their farm operations. As he explains in the video below, “lean” is a philosophy for reducing loss and waste from a process. There are… Read More
A year ago we ran a post describing the grandparent wisdom you should never forget on the farm. This list of five things was very popular, even inspiring several additions to the list through reader emails, twitter and Facebook. All things are not golden though — it’s time to release the list of the things your grandparents… Read More
RealAgriculture hit the road in Western Canada over the last two weeks for the TechTour LIVE, visiting four cities — Lethbridge, Camrose, Saskatoon and Brandon. Hosted together with Dow AgroSciences, the idea behind each event was to inspire conversations about increasing farm productivity and thinking about how you can improve your farm business. If you weren’t… Read More
A shortage of workers is limiting Canada’s economic potential, especially in agriculture. Annual farm cash receipt losses to Canadian producers due to job vacancies are $1.5 billion, according to a report released this week. Postmedia columnist Andrew Coyne was the opening keynote speaker at the “Growing the AgriWorkforce Summit” in Winnipeg and he joins us… Read More
Want to spot an uber-Apple lover? Check wrists. The Apple watch began shipping about two weeks ago, and for those willing to part with a starting price of $500 (CDN), the status symbol offers wearers the ability to send everything from a simple text message to their heart beat, from their wrist (apparently provided there are… Read More