As you all know the debate around food safety continues to rage on.  As we have discussed on this site before, the debate many times comes down to the discussion around combating the theory by many consumers that organic food is more healthy and better for the environment.  What we see on tv is people… Read More

As a futurist Bob Treadway spends a lot of time thinking about the future. Some people ponder the past and analyze why things happened while Bob tries to consider and analyze what is going to happen in the future.  The debate on the future of agriculture is an ongoing discussion and many have differing opinions…. Read More

By Shaun Haney With the advancing average age of the North American farmer we have a critical situation at hand.   We need to get more young people in the business of farming.   Now I am not talking about getting more young people into the ag-industry.  I am talking about getting them on the… Read More

There is a very large mainstream interest in food and how it is produced.  As a result, agriuculture practices have never been under so much scrutiny and inspection from the general public.  Studies show that farming is a very trusted profession by the masses but there are still some highly critical opponents.  In many ways… Read More

Photo is courtesy of BugMan50 Dennis McKnight, The Innovators, spoke at Tiffin Conference 2010 about the ability of the Canadian beef industry to compete globally.  Dennis has clients around the world who he assists in developing markets for their products. Dennis believes that Canadian beef can compete but we may need to rethink how we… Read More

At the Tiffin Conference at the Lethbridge College, one of the most popular speakers was Ryan Kasko from the Kasko Cattle Co. Ryan talked about his 2008 trip to Brazil and what some of his observations were.  Ryan travelled to Brazil and visited ranches and feedyards.  Ryan talks about the fact that Brazilian beef tastes… Read More