Organizers of the World Dairy Expo have announced the 2020 edition of the show has been cancelled due to COVID-19. The largest dairy event in North America was slated to be held September 29 to October 3, 2020, at Madison, Wisconsin. General manager Scott Bentley says after meeting with government and public health officials, it… Read More

Excitement is building for Agritechnica — a gigantic farm equipmeent and technology show that only happens every two years in Hannover, Germany. The future-of-farming show covers nearly 98 acres and attracts hundreds of thousands of people. Back again this year will be the RealAgriculture team of RealAg Radio host Shaun Haney and production lead Jason… Read More

Walk around the World Dairy Expo at Madison, Wisconsin, and you’ll find Canadians everywhere – from the show ring, to the cattle barns, and the exhibit halls. In the video below, RealAgriculture’s Bernard Tobin and Jordon Underhill, general manager of the Canadian Dairy XPO (CDX), take the pulse of the attendees at the annual dairy showcase…. Read More

Can robots effectively milk cows on large U.S. dairy farms? That’s a question Plymouth, Indiana farmer Brian Houin is determined to answer at his family-owned Homestead Dairy operation. Canadian farmers have had tremendous success using robot milkers in smaller dairy operations, but Houin is putting the milking machines to the test on a whole new level. In… Read More

Increased access to the Canadian dairy market through the newly minted United States Mexico Canada Agreement (USMCA) will not be a boon for U.S. dairy farmers. That’s the early verdict from Mark Stephenson, director of dairy policy analysis at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. “I think the dairy producers are not going to look at their… Read More