A new innovation unveiled at Canada’s Farm Progress Show kills weeds without herbicides. Instead of chemically terminating the plant, the unit simply overcooks them with steam. “We produce steam at up to 200 to 300 degrees celsius and it kills everything that it touches,” says Ron Gleim, founder and president of the company behind X-Steam-inator,… Read More

There are few things as frustrating as spending untold hours of preparation and seeding (and finally some rain!) only to have a host of insects crawl or fly in and eat the crop’s yield potential. In this episode of the Canola School, provincial entomologist for Saskatchewan’s Ministry of Agriculture, James Tansey, gets outside to talk… Read More

Your soybeans likely well-emerged in Manitoba, which means it’s time to take a look at stand establishment. This can sometimes be an overwhelming task when you are dealing with a few acres. In this episode of RealAgriculture’s Soybean School, Kara Oosterhuis talks to Dennis Lange, who is the industry development specialist with Manitoba Agriculture, about… Read More

U.S.-based Fair Oaks Farms dairy is under fire this week after an animal rights group circulated a video showing abuse of dairy calves at the  dairy. Fair Oaks is a supplier of Coca-Cola’s Fairlife milk brand. Owner Dr. Mike McCloskey posted a video statement on the company’s web page. In it, McCloskey apologizes for the… Read More

When it comes to canola crops, it’s important to keep the field clean from the start, in order to ensure your canola has the best possible chance at growing to its full potential. In this episode of RealAgriculture’s Canola School, Kara Oosterhuis talks to Keith Gabert, agronomy specialist with the Canola Council of Canada, about… Read More