There is very limited ability for producers to control canola oil content though management practices, largely because the final oil content is highly dependent on environmental conditions. Drought can affect a canola crop at any given stage during its growth, but it’s heat that’s the real culprit for a decrease in oil content this year…. Read More
Category: Drought
Drought by definition, we can likely agree on. But take it on a case by case scenario, and you quickly realize it can mean a million different things. Everyone has a different perspective of dry, and that perception can change depending what year of drought it is. On a grain and oilseed farm, there is… Read More
After a drought, lingering effects of herbicides can really pose a threat for the next cropping year. In this Canola School episode, Breanne Tidemann, research scientist at Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Lacombe, Alta., explains why there’s a risk for herbicide carryover from residual products for the upcoming crop year. Tidemann says that it’s important to… Read More
Drought this year has not only hindered yields on the Prairies, but it could also directly affect next year’s crop by not allowing for pesticide breakdown in soil. There are several different ways pesticides can break down in the soil: by volatilization after application; through photodegradation on the soil surface (sunlight); through hydrolysis in soil;… Read More
Not only is there plenty of risk of crop injury due to herbicide carryover in Western Canada next year, there are also plenty of questions being asked by farmers about whether the situation could or should have been handled differently. Due to the lack of rain to break down active ingredients in certain products, BASF… Read More
Farmers and ranchers in the drought-affected areas of Ontario will have an opportunity to access up to $15,000 per farm for well drilling and pond construction projects. Applications for the Northwestern Ontario Drought Assistance Initiative will open later in September through Agricorp. The program will be retroactive to June 14, 2021. Ontario will provide up… Read More
Erosion could be an issue for pulse crop fields after harvest, especially if the header was set very low and there’s minimal residue leftover. Edible beans in particular are a tricky crop for “field aftercare” as there is very little residue left over, and harvest requires undercutting, increasing the potential for soil wind erosion. Scott… Read More
For Western Canada, the 2021 growing season has been one of the worst on record for both severe drought and extreme heat. As a result, the risk of injury from herbicide carryover in sensitive crops in the 2022 growing season is high, so much so that BASF has issued an urgent notice to growers for… Read More
Ontario will offer a maximum benefit of $220 per head of cattle for drought-stricken regions of the province through the newly-named Canada-Ontario Transported Feed AgriRecovery Initiative. The initiative is now accepting applications until November 1, 2021 and will provide emergency support to “producers who are incurring extraordinary costs to feed livestock due to drought conditions in… Read More
Those in Western Canada looking for hay and those in other areas willing to supply hay for the Hay West 2021 initiative can now access a web portal to connect. The Canadian Federation of Agriculture has launched where individuals and businesses can enter the pertinent details of their situation and await word. The program… Read More