Corn School: Time to trap western bean cutworm


Have you set your western bean cutworm (WBC) traps yet?

Setting traps is the most effective means of determining whether the yield-robbing pest is setting up shop in your cornfields. In this episode of RealAgriculture Corn School, OMAFRA field entomologist Tracey Baute shows growers how to set traps and discusses the growing importance of the WBC Trap Network.

In 2017, the network of growers, agronomists and researchers set traps in 550 locations throughout Michigan, Ontario and Quebec. In 2018, the network will expand westward to include traps in Manitoba and eastward to Nova Scotia and PEI.

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Baute explains that traps allow growers to determine whether adult WBC moths are flying in their fields and potentially laying eggs. She notes that peak moth flight usually happens in July. “That’s when they are mating and a week later growers will see WBC eggs on corn leaves.” It’s then time to go in and control the pest before larvae can damage your corn crop. Click here for a WBC factsheet and control options.

That means there’s still time for growers to erect traps in fields and become part of the network. More details on trap supplies and installation directions can be found at

Check out more Corn School episodes here.

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