Soybean School: Gaining the Advantage with Seed Treatments


As producers get closer to planting their soybeans, now is the time to consider all of the potential issues the year may throw at you and how you can deal with them before you get the seed in the ground. If there is a history or a threat of insect pests or soil borne disease, a seed treatment is your best line of defence.

Many growers look at seed treatments as their best opportunity to ensure a healthy start to the palnts life.  Seed treatments have become safer to handle, more environmentally friendly and more selective over time through enhanced research programs.


In this episode of the Soybean School, we talk to Chris Denys, Seed Treatment Technical Lead with Syngenta Canada. We asked Chris a number of questions about seed treatments, how they work and what benefits they can provide producers throughout the growing season.

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Other Episodes

Soybean School (view all) Season 1 (2012) Episode 24


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