If soybean yield is made in August, what, if anything can farmers do to achieve those big yields? It starts with scouting, and leads to planning ahead, says Shawn Brenneman, with Syngenta.
In this Soybean School episode, Bernard Tobin joins Brenneman in the field to talk weed escapes, the possibility of a pre-harvest application to decrease green staining (in regards to growing IP beans) and late season disease pressure. Brennenman also outlines what insects have been an issue this year, and how Japanese beetle and stink bugs can rob yield and quality from the crop.
Related: A Farmer Profile: Why IP Beans Work on Our Farm
Brenneman also outlines some key harvest tasks, especially if growing IP beans, like cleaning up field margins of debris, avoiding early morning dew to decrease dirt tagging and the importance of running those augers full but slow.
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