Soybean School: New Tool to Fight the “Billion-Dollar Pest”


Heterodera glycines or soybean cyst nematode (SCN) was first identified in Ontario in 1987, after over 30 years in North America. It’s original introduction is believed to have occured in the late 1800s, when settlers brought soil from Asia to supply the proper bacteria for soybean root nodulation.

“Of the ten major diseases of soybeans in North America, SCN is number one,” says Syngenta’s Shawn Brenneman. “They call it the ‘Billion-Dollar Pest.'”


In this episode of the Soybean School, Bernard Tobin and Brenneman stand in a field half-treated with Syngenta’s new contender in the fight against SCN — Clariva pn. Launched in June, Clariva pn is a seed treatment containing Pasteuria nishizawae, a bacteria that infects and kills SCN that come into contact with the soybean roots.

Clariva pn will be available for 2016.

Other Episodes

Soybean School (view all) Season 4 (2015) Episode 8


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