Soybean School: One-pass vs. two-pass weed control


Should you spray your soybeans once or twice?

In this episode of Real Agriculture Soybean School, OMAFRA weed specialist Mike Cowbrough takes a look at how one-pass and two-pass herbicide systems compare. He notes that a one-pass program can offer effective weed control if growers keep soybeans fields weed-free through the third trifoliate stage. But as we see in the video, those fields can get pretty dirty as late emerging weeds muscle their way into the field.

That’s where the two-pass system can play huge dividends, explains Cowbrough. The second herbicide application allows growers to deal with those late emergers and head off weed pressure problems later in the rotation.

When comparing the two systems, Cowbrough says they will likely yield the same because weeds can be controlled through the third trifoliate in both situations.

“The main difference in going in twice and controlling weeds one last time at flowering stage is so you can minimize the amount of weeds that are returned to the soil,” explains Cowbrough. That will reduce weed headaches down the road.

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