Planting in to cool and especially cool and wet soils is not ideal for soybeans. But that description applies to most planting conditions in Ontario and perhaps most of Canada. Because of this reality, fungicide seed treatments are an invaluable tool in the establishment of healthy, vigorous, soybean stands.
Albert Tenuta, provincial field crop pathologist with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food and @AlbertTenuta on Twitter, explains in this episode of the Soybean School just how valuable seed treatments are. In the context of the big four — fusarium, rhizoctonia, pythium and phytopthera — Tenuta discusses not just how farmers can use several tools to manage these soil-borne diseases, but how biological systems are evolving and adapting to our farming practices.
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Tenuta also discusses what’s next for research and development in terms of soil-borne disease of soybeans and the potential new products and types of products farmers may see soon. Nematodes are certainly top of mind for many growers, but Tenuta also could foresee a move to a more targeting means of control or suppression through pest-specific products. You’ll find all that and more in this episode of the Soybean School.
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