Soybean School: Timing & Rates for Desiccating Soybeans


For the lucky soybean growers who still have maturing and not frosted soybeans on their hands, this post on pre-harvest management of the crop is for you! (And for you farmers in the east stung by the September frost, we’re sorry, and maybe keep all this info in mind for next year.)

There are solid reasons for using a harvest dry-down product, or desiccant. It makes for an easier, less chewy harvest, as both weeds and the crop are dry, plus there can be some weed control benefits for the following year, depending on the weed spectrum and product used. Glyphosate is a herbicide, not a desiccant, meaning that it will kill the plants it hits (weeds and crop alike), but the days to dry-down is longer. What’s more, glyphostate alone isn’t always the best option for pre-harvest weed control, which brings us to the topic of the latest Soybean School.

In this video, Rob Miller, of BASF, outlines the proper staging when using ERAGON (or HEAT, for our Western Canadian friends) as a dry-down and weed killer ahead of harvest, and adds in some helpful hints for those of you growing dry beans, as well.

BASF also has published a handy-dandy staging guide (you can download it, as a PDF, here: Eragon_Staging_Guide_EN ) or contact your agronomist or BASF rep for a hard copy, you Luddite, you.

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