Agriculture education organizations in Saskatchewan will be receiving more than $4.1 million from the federal and provincial governments over the next five years as part of the new Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership. The two levels of government announced the funding for Farm & Food Care Saskatchewan, 4-H Saskatchewan, and Agriculture in the Classroom Saskatchewan on… Read More
Tag: 4 H
If you’re planning to grow soybeans next year, why not order from SeCan during “Grow a Leader” week – October 11 to 18 – and support 4-H! For Roundup Ready 2 Xtend®, XtendFlex® or Roundup Ready 2 Yield® soybeans ordered (and purchased) to plant in 2022, SeCan will donate $1 per unit to 4-H in… Read More
Enrolment in 4-H is holding steady in Canada despite geographical challenges, and the organization is offering a wide range of programs beyond the traditional. “I think much like agriculture, 4-H has evolved — who would have thought that technology would play such a big part in agriculture, and who would have thought 4-H had drone… Read More
Each November on Show Your 4-H Colours Day, 4-H’ers from across the country don their 4-H colours, get out into their communities, post to social media, do acts of kindness, and share their enthusiasm for everything 4-H. This year, National 4-H Day falls on November 7, 2018. You can expect to see 4-H Canada and… Read More
More than 500 4-H leaders and youth from around the world are in Ottawa this week for the Global 4-H Network Summit. Only the second time it’s been held, 4-H Canada is hosting the summit in conjunction with Canada’s 150th birthday celebrations in Ottawa. The first Global 4-H Network Summit was held in Seoul, Korea… Read More
Mental health challenges on the farm are not restricted to operators, or even their spouses…they affect their kids, too. And that’s one reason the Global 4-H Network Summit has dedicated a session to mental health and awareness when leaders from 70 countries converge in Ottawa this week. On Friday, July 14, the final day of… Read More
How much, or how little, should you drink? How much money should your kids get for allowance? How much should you set aside for holidays, for retirement? How much time should you spend on communications, and what should you do? You may have grappled with the some of the questions above. But most farmers have… Read More
The prospect of nine billion people being on the earth in 2050 is pretty scary. Scarier yet, though, is the challenge of feeding them. But even scarier still is looking into the future and knowing that a scant 35 years from now, you, the person in the mirror, will be the one who’ll be trying… Read More
Today, if you haven’t heard, is National Show Your 4-H Colours day — a day for current and former 4-H Canada members to wear green and white and show off their 4-H pride. As I donned my Roughriders shirt (2 birds, one-stone!) this morning, I got to thinking about my 4-H years and how they… Read More