Thanks for tuning in to this Tuesday edition of RealAg Radio! Guest host Kelvin Heppner is joined by Brett Anderson, with Accuweather, on the Canadian winter forecast; Tyler Fulton, with Canadian Cattle Association, on the Canadian government’s new methane emissions reduction plan and what it means for cattle producers; and Greg Sears, chair for the… Read More

Snowmobile owners in Ontario and Quebec may want to get their sleds ready, while prairie dwellers may want to sell the snowmobile and put the money toward the heating budget or a down payment on a warm place further south. Okay, maybe it’s a little early to make those decisions, but according to AccuWeather’s winter… Read More

It’s hard to imagine drought being a problem in parts of Alberta and Saskatchewan that still haven’t finished last year’s harvest due to wet conditions, but weather forecaster AccuWeather suggests conditions could turn quickly this summer. As Brett Anderson, senior meteorologist and Canadian weather specialist for the Pennsylvania-based weather company, explains in the interview below, they’re… Read More