Who wins and who loses in the weather lottery all depends on where you live and what business you are in. For those in the farming business, too cold and too dry are usually not good for a winter outlook, but it appears areas of the Prairies that could really use more precipitation may lose… Read More
Tag: Accuweather
Thanks for tuning in to this Tuesday edition of RealAg Radio! Guest host Kelvin Heppner is joined by Brett Anderson, with Accuweather, on the Canadian winter forecast; Tyler Fulton, with Canadian Cattle Association, on the Canadian government’s new methane emissions reduction plan and what it means for cattle producers; and Greg Sears, chair for the… Read More
There are several weather conditions that will dictate how fall will go for agriculture in Canada: if the drought in the west will continue, and when to expect the first frost. When it comes to a long-range weather forecast, the key words for this fall are La Niña, says Brett Anderson, senior meteorologist with AccuWeather…. Read More
Will it be a cold or warm spring? How much moisture can we expect? It’s helpful to know what’s in the longer-term forecast to be able to plan the spring field-work accordingly. Brett Anderson of AccuWeather joins guest host Lyndsey Smith for today’s RealAg LIVE! RealAg LIVE! streams every weekday at 3 pm E on… Read More
Will there be any precipitation headed our way? Is an early spring frost event coming? These are the weather-related questions that seem to be on everybody’s mind in the west. Brett Anderson of AccuWeather joins guest host Lyndsey Smith for today’s RealAg LIVE! focused on weather trends heading in to the seeding season. RealAg LIVE!… Read More
The 2019 growing season will go down in the memories of most farmers as one of weather challenge after weather challenge — too dry, too wet, too cool, too cloudy. From Western Canada, across Ontario, and even as far as the east coast, this growing season has swung from one weather extreme to the other,… Read More
Weather is never far from the minds or mouths of farmers, and this year is certainly no exception. With parts of the prairies under a thick blanket of snow, and Ontario dealing with a wet bias, concerns and opportunities, are aplenty. On Tuesday, RealAgriculture’s Shaun Haney heard from four farmers from Alberta, Manitoba, and Ontario…. Read More
Snowmobile owners in Ontario and Quebec may want to get their sleds ready, while prairie dwellers may want to sell the snowmobile and put the money toward the heating budget or a down payment on a warm place further south. Okay, maybe it’s a little early to make those decisions, but according to AccuWeather’s winter… Read More
It’s hard to imagine drought being a problem in parts of Alberta and Saskatchewan that still haven’t finished last year’s harvest due to wet conditions, but weather forecaster AccuWeather suggests conditions could turn quickly this summer. As Brett Anderson, senior meteorologist and Canadian weather specialist for the Pennsylvania-based weather company, explains in the interview below, they’re… Read More