China has approved four additional Canadian beef facilities that will now be able to export beef to China, Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz and International Trade Minister Ed Fast announced today. The newly approved establishments will increase the Canadian export capacity for beef in a market estimated by the industry to be worth approximately $20 million… Read More
Tag: Agriculture Canada
Moving livestock safely, even short distances, requires the right type of trailer, skilled handlers and an informed plan for transport length and conditions. In order to ensure Canadian cattle are being handled with positive outcomes in mind, we need scientifically-informed guidelines for what appropriate travel durations and conditions are. Dr. Karen Schwartzkopf-Genswein, an Agriculture and… Read More
Spray timing, plant population and desiccants are very important elements to manage when it comes to weed control and the proper development of your pulse crop. According to Weed Biologist Eric Johnson of Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, producers should start to plan weed control 2 to 3 years ahead. What that means is that in… Read More
Recently it was announced that Tom Wolf’s research program will be cut completely by Ag Canada. The reaction from agronomists, manufacturers and farmers has been quite strong. So strong that some of the industry associations are trying to save the program. When word got out tweets started to fly just like this one. Tom Wolf’s… Read More
The issue of herbicide resistance is something producers will have to continue to be vigilant about. Careful consideration needs to go into the “when” “how” and “what” to use of your individual weed control strategy. That strategy in turn needs to be balanced with a good sense of corporate responsibility about producer issues like herbicide… Read More
Assessing risk is a crucial part of any producer’s pest control strategy. If you don’t know what to look for or how to look for it, you are setting yourself up for some potentially costly problems. That risk assessment starts with a good knowledge of the previous year including hotspots for activity, and overall movement… Read More
In this episode of the Wheat School, we talk to Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada Plant Pathologist Kelly Turkington about the elevated risk of fusarium in parts of Alberta. Fusarium in Alberta is nothing new, however, weather conditions in Alberta in June and July have made the potential for infection that much greater. That abundance of… Read More
Studies are underway to help winter wheat producers to improve production in a number of areas and to help expand the amount of acres being grown by farmers across the west. The two year study by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada and the Alberta Winter Wheat Producers Commission will look at a number of factors that… Read More
Stripe rust is one of those diseases that has been around for a while, but hasn’t really been that much of a threat. A few new developments with regards to the disease may have changed that. Firstly, resistance to stripe rust in one variety of winter wheat was found to be ineffective. Second, the disease… Read More
With the devastating effects of the E-coli outbreak in Germany being played out in the media, the results of a U.S. study on the increased shedding of another strain of the bacteria by cattle fed corn DDGs is getting more attention than it normally would . The U.S. study linked increased levels of E-coli 0157… Read More