Thanks for tuning in to this Wednesday edition of RealAg Radio. Host Shaun Haney is joined by: Chip Flory with Agritalk on Monday’s USDA acreage report on corn and beans; Troy Aberle with Ag Power House on things to consider when buying equipment; Shaun also goes over some RealAgristudies data on farmers’ concerns on the… Read More
Tag: Agritalk
Monday’s USDA acreage report was a surprise to Chip Flory not because of the numbers in the report, but because the acreage adjustment happened so soon in the growing season. Flory, host of AgriTalk, says the USDA’s move to knock off 700,000 acres of corn and add a million soybean acres does make sense, but… Read More
The U.S. Department of Agriculture added to the bearish tone in grain markets with larger-than-expected yield, production and stocks estimates in a series of reports published on Friday. Both the headline corn and soybean yield numbers for 2023 were higher than all trade estimates prior to the report, with corn yield pegged at a record… Read More
Farmers and commodity traders alike have heard plenty of gloomy predictions from market analysts over the past few months. There are a lot of bearish feelings regarding grain markets, Chip Flory of AgriTalk says, but there are signs that commodity prices may be finding support. “The corn market is finding what it needs to do… Read More
Thanks for tuning in to this Tuesday edition of RealAg Radio with host Shaun Haney. Today’s episode we will hear from Chip Flory, host of AgriTalk, with a grain market update and full analysis of the week’s price moves. We will also hear from David Coletto, of Abacus Data, on union membership and leadership being… Read More
With California on an aggressive timeline to implement the Farm Animal Confinement Initiative — more commonly known as Prop 12 — requirements by July 1, 2023 the United States pork industry is still reeling with questions regarding the details of verification, logistics, and supply. Last week, we heard from the Canadian Pork Council on concerns… Read More
The spring wheat market is no exception when it comes to how up in the air the commodity markets have been. Especially when you look at all the intended acres that are planned for the U.S. Chip Flory, of Agritalk, says a main reason for keeping eyes on the spring wheat market, is the terrible… Read More
When looking at the markets, farmers may feel like they are standing in quicksand, as the outlook uncertainty continues. Chip Flory, host of AgriTalk, joined RealAg Radio host Shaun Haney to discuss some of the hesitancy in the markets, and some of the more positive news that we’ve heard as of late, including the positive… Read More
The path of least resistance right now for these grain markets seems to be to the downside. That has more than a few analysts shaking their heads, and maybe going a little gray from all the volatility and the stress. Chip Flory, host of AgriTalk, says that there’s all sorts of wild things happening —… Read More
As farmers contemplate a multitude of variables heading into this growing season, crop prices are favourable, indeed. Favourable does not mean stress-free by any means. With commodity prices hovering high for numerous crops, many farmers have yet to pull the trigger on locking in prices with the optimism and hope that those numbers will continue… Read More