Farmers and commodity traders alike have heard plenty of gloomy predictions from market analysts over the past few months. There are a lot of bearish feelings regarding grain markets, Chip Flory of AgriTalk says, but there are signs that commodity prices may be finding support. “The corn market is finding what it needs to do… Read More

With California on an aggressive timeline to implement the Farm Animal Confinement Initiative — more commonly known as Prop 12 — requirements by July 1, 2023 the United States pork industry is still reeling with questions regarding the details of verification, logistics, and supply. Last week, we heard from the Canadian Pork Council on concerns… Read More

As farmers contemplate a multitude of variables heading into this growing season, crop prices are favourable, indeed. Favourable does not mean stress-free by any means. With commodity prices hovering high for numerous crops, many farmers have yet to pull the trigger on locking in prices with the optimism and hope that those numbers will continue… Read More