Update, May 12: A bill entitled “An Act to amend the Canada Transportation Act and other Acts respecting transportation and to make related and consequential amendments to other Acts” was added to the House of Commons notice paper on Friday, May 12, meaning it could be introduced as early as Tuesday, May 16. A spring… Read More
Tag: Alberta Wheat Commission
Another late snowfall is making a tough situation worse, especially in central and northern parts of Alberta and Saskatchewan. Much of Western Canada has received a fresh layer of snow in the last day or two, just as fields in some areas were starting to dry up after snow and rain during the Easter weekend…. Read More
The federal government is proposing the elimination of deferred cash purchase tickets for grain sales — a tool used by farmers to manage cash flow for tax purposes from one year to the next. When delivering a listed grain (such as wheat, oats, barley, rye, flaxseed, or canola), producers have long had the option of asking… Read More
The Alberta Wheat Commission (AWC) welcomes new faces to its board of directors and regional representatives following a call for nominations in Regions 1 and 5 and three regional representatives. Joining the AWC board of directors in Region 1 is Jason Saunders, from Taber. Gary Stanford, from Magrath, will return to the AWC Board. In Region… Read More
The Alberta Wheat Commission was formally created on August 1st, 2012, the same day the Canadian Wheat Board was stripped of its single desk selling authority for wheat and barley in Western Canada. Since then, AWC has become heavily involved in funding wheat research and market development, as well as serving as a voice for… Read More
Back in the winter of 2013-14 when Western Canada’s grain industry was bogged down in a massive rail backlog, the upcoming review of the Canada Transportation Act was viewed as an opportunity to improve the way the rail system moves grain. The review process began in May of 2014 and the final report written by… Read More
Alberta’s crop commissions have joined forces in urging the provincial government to delay the implementation of its new farm safety and labour legislation to further consult with farmers. “The current government process is causing fear and uncertainty to grasp the industry. Farmers can provide good input and are the subject matter experts on what will… Read More
Alberta wheat growers are contributing nearly $1 million to 13 wheat-related research projects across Western Canada over the next five years. A total of $970,000 in research funding was announced by the Alberta Wheat Commission in Calgary yesterday. “Investing in research is one of our key priorities as it ensures farmers have consistent access to… Read More
This past week the PDQ (price and data quotes) website was launched for farmers across Western Canada. As noted by Tom Steve of the Alberta Wheat Commission, “This level of cooperation is encouraging and we look forward to improving the level of price transparency available for farmers and other industry stakeholders via PDQ.” In truth,… Read More
The Alberta Wheat Commission has launched the first phase of its crop price reporting website aimed at helping farmers make more-informed marketing decisions. As of September 8th, the website — known as PDQ, short for “Price and Data Quotes” — is providing daily regional spot and forward bid prices for red spring wheat, prairie spring… Read More