Grain Growers of Canada has announced the election of a completely new executive to lead the national grain producer organization. Tara Sawyer, a grain farmer from Acme, Alberta and chair of Alberta Grains, has been elected chair of GGC — the first female to hold the role. Joining her is Scott Hepworth, a grain farmer… Read More

Grain Growers of Canada has published a set of policy recommendations for government to support Canada’s grain sector in its “Road to 2050” sustainability inititative. The policy recommendations would see government partner with grain farmers to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, by increasing investment in public and private breeding research, expanding eligibility criteria and funding… Read More

The Grain Growers of Canada (GGC) are pleased to welcome Corteva Agriscience Canada and Fertilizer Canada as partners on the Road to 2050 climate solution initiative. Fertilizer Canada’s 4R Nutrient Stewardship is a key pillar of the initiative. The Road to 2050 climate initiative will issue recommendations intended to guide government policies and programming directed… Read More

Grain Growers of Canada has announced a “Road to 2050″ initiative aimed at helping the Canadian government work toward its commitment of net-zero emissions by 2050. “The ‘Road to 2050’ will propose a path forward that focuses on innovation, research and beneficial management practices. This will boost productivity while continuing to enhance soil quality, improving… Read More

With just over a month of an election campaign, agriculture groups are being creative and using multiple platforms to get their message out on what they’d like to see as part of election platforms of the major political parties. The Canadian Federation of Agriculture (CFA) and Grain Growers of Canada both promoted their wish lists… Read More

The Grain Growers of Canada (GGC) have elected a new executive board for the upcoming year. Andre Harpe will take a spot as the new chair, and William van Tassel and Brendan Phillips as vice-chairs. Harpe, who farms in Valhalla Centre, Alta., says he looks forward to continuing the organization’s rich history of representing grain… Read More