It’s time for Day 6 of Ontario Diagnostic Days! The annual Ontario field crop diagnostic days held at Ridgetown, Elora, and Winchester are again virtual in 2021. Management tips for corn, soybeans and dry beans; learning lessons from your soil; and the role robotic technology plays on the farm are all featured in this episode. We’ll… Read More

How does strip tillage impact a corn plant’s ability to access and take up nutrients? On this episode of RealAgriculture’s Corn School, Ben Rosser, corn lead at Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, looks at fertility research plots that compare how corn performs in both conventional tillage and spring strip tillage systems. In… Read More

On this Monday edition of RealAg Radio, we’ve got lots of great agronomic content. You’ll hear: Peter “Wheat Pete” Johnson on wheat harvest (in the east and unfortunately in the west), fungicide decisions, and more; Tom Wolf of Sprayers 101 and AgriMetrix on spray drift; Dr. Meghan Vankosky of AAFC Saskatoon on cabbage seedpod weevil… Read More

Does timing matter in strip till? Will corn planted into fall-made strips out-yield spring strips? That’s just one of many questions corn growers are asking as strip tillage gains popularity as a reduced tillage option that delivers the benefits of conventional tillage, says Ben Rosser, corn lead for the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and… Read More

One of the big benefits of strip tilling corn is the ability to place fertilizer directly into the berm or strip for greater nutrient efficiency. But as growers rotate out of strip-tilled corn, how can they assess the overall fertility of a field where nutrient placement was concentrated in specific areas? On this edition of… Read More