Ontario’s cool, wet spring not only delayed planting, but also put the brakes on nitrogen mineralization, limiting the nutrient’s availability to the growing corn crop. According to OMAFRA pre-sidedress nitrate testing (PSNT) survey results released this week, corn growers are looking at the lowest rates of available nitrogen since the survey began in 2013. In… Read More

Ontario corn planting isn’t finished, but it’s probably done. With more rain sweeping across the province – and pushing total spring accumulation to record levels in many areas – it’s unlikely that farmers will be planting corn when things dry out, says Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) corn lead Ben Rosser…. Read More

How much corn yield potential are you losing as the rain continues to fall across Ontario? As of May 5, you haven’t lost anything yet, but yield potential does start to diminish around May 10, says Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) corn specialist Ben Rosser. In this episode of RealAgriculture Corn… Read More

After saying good-bye to three senior field crop specialists in the last year, Ontario’s agriculture ministry has hired three individuals to fill the corn, cereal crop and canola/edible bean vacancies. Joanna Follings is joining the Agriculture Development Branch as the Cereals Specialist, replacing Peter Johnson (who joined RealAg as resident agronomist). Follings, who holds a MSc…. Read More