It’s perhaps not the hybrid cereal you were hoping to see first released, but the first true hybrid cereal grain has been launched in Ontario and it’s not wheat but fall rye. This new line of grain crop piqued farmers interests at the recent C&M Seeds field day. “This is a grain crop,” Tim Meulensteen of… Read More

Some of the most useful tools on the farm are also those with the lowest number of wires. While sophisticated soil mapping tools and software exist, the lowly soil probe still has a significant role to play on the farm. In this video, Bernard Tobin heads down to Ridgetown, Ontario, to tour a few fields… Read More

There was a time when it was hard for farmers to access credit — so much so that it spurred the creation of a farm credit corporation, now known as Farm Credit Canada. Those old enough to remember FCC’s creation are also old enough to recount the hardship that was farming in the early 1980s…. Read More

Soybeans can handle slightly colder temps than corn, but their exposed growing point means that frost damage can be far deadlier and permanent. That seems to be the case across much of Ontario, as farmers head to the fields to assess the full fallout of Saturday morning’s hard frost. In this Soybean School episode, PRIDE… Read More