This years harvest samples show an alarming rise in ergot infection in wheat crops. The information comes from a Canadian Grain Commission report that shows upwards of 20 percent of western Canadian wheat crops have some degree of ergot infection. Ergot tolerances are very tight due to the toxic qualities of the ergot body that… Read More
Tag: Biovision
For farmers in the West finished harvest, there is a tendency to sit back and breathe a big sigh of relief and rightly so. However, as any farmer who’s had a bin full of grain go bad can tell you, it’s not a time to sit back and forget about that crop. Monitoring and conditioning… Read More is happy to present a new feature segment we call “Under the Microscope”. We have partnered with BioVision Seed Labs to educate and inform producers with respect to what goes on inside the seed lab and hopefully take some of the mystery out of the process. In the first episode we talk to Holly… Read More
By Holly Gelech, Biovision Seed Labs The 12th International Symposium on Pre-Harvest Sprouting in Cereals was hosted the week of July 24th in Red Deer, Alberta and was attended by 60 participants from all regions of the globe. The 35 speakers, who originated from Australia, China, Japan, United Kingdom, Africa, Canada and many others countries,… Read More
Luckily most farmers were able to complete harvest in Western Canada prior this very quick shift to cold and snow. As is the case with every year this is the time when farmers and seed producers begin to send in samples to seed labs. Who better to talk about the quality of seed in Western… Read More
Trevor Nysetvold from BioVision Seed Lab, talks about some of the early seed quality results from the fall 2009 harvest. Obviously harvest is dragging on for many producers but Trevor says that the early results are interesting. Trevor talks about germination and fusarium results so far. Trevor recommends sampling procedures for farmers to get the… Read More