Welcome to this special Friday edition of RealAg Radio recorded at the Canada’s Outstanding Young Farmer’s program! Brought to you by John Deere, Bayer, CIBC, CN Rail, Sollio Agriculture, and Meridian Manufacturing, host Shaun Haney was on hand to deliver a keynote address focused on the under-40 crowd. For today’s show, Haney speaks with: Steven… Read More

The year’s Outstanding Young Farmers were named this past weekend, in a virtual event December 1st to 3rd, 2021. Winners for the west and east are Raymond and Tracey Bredenhof, of R&T Poultry & Bredenhof Hops in Abbotsford, B.C., and Jenny Butcher and Wes Kuntz, Little Brown Cow Dairy, Brantford, Ont. For the last 41 years, this… Read More