Case IH showcased some of the newest offerings in its line of high horsepower front wheel assist tractors at this years Crop Production Week show in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. The Magnum series of tractors offer farmers a number of improvements for the 2012-13 line that run the spectrum from improved horsepower to improved comfort. The tractors… Read More

This year at the Crop Production Week Show in Saskatoon, we got to take a look at the 2012 Case IH Tier 4 Combine. The latest improvements on the machine are focused mainly on the engine. Fuel economy and power have been improved which is sure to be a major consideration for farmers thinking of… Read More

Whether you are talking about your car engines or tractor engines, there is a constant push from manufacturers to increase fuel economy and meet new emission requirements without losing performance.  This is not an easy task.  In the field, in tough situations farmers need performance and that extra horsepower that is going to get you… Read More

It would amaze you how many farmers don’t go through the proper initial prep on their seed drill before they go out to the field.  Just filling the cart tank and running wild it is not necessarily the best way to proceed. In this weeks episode of the Wheat School, Dean Jackson, Stoltz Sales and… Read More