It’s been a tough year for farmers here in Ontario. As a sopping wet spring lead its way into a dry, hot summer, things aren’t looking overly optimistic for the upcoming harvest. Corn and soybean fields across the province are hugely variable in terms of development and stand but where we find variability we also… Read More

In case missed it….the 2011 spring is providing to be a real challenge across the country. It is wet everywhere except for Northern Alberta. Areas like Southern Alberta are over 75% seeded while parts of Ontario have only 40% of the corn planted and 5% soybeans.  Eastern Saskatchewan and Manitoba have major issues while Peace… Read More

The Grain Farmers of Ontario held their March Classic conference early this week with a sense of cautious optimism. Most Ontario growers had a great 2010, but echoes of the 2008 season are still lingering with the volatility of commodity prices and the weather situation very much in play. All in all the mood was… Read More