Producers in Alberta and Manitoba will soon be able to recycle their 23L plastic pesticide and fertilizer containers at local ag retail locations. The shift, spearheaded by Cleanfarms, will move recycling locations away from municipal transfer stations and landfill facilities to ag retailers, where producers already bring their larger, 23L to 1000L plastic recyclables. The entire… Read More

Cleanfarms has announced a return to British Columbia’s interior, holding one-day events at 11 locations September 27 to October 21. Cleanfarms will collect unwanted, old agricultural pesticides and obsolete livestock, equine, and farm animal medications. Cleanfarms operates this no-cost program so that farmers can safely dispose of unwanted materials, keeping them out of the environment…. Read More

Cleanfarms has released its first-ever national benchmark report, based on an 18-month research project, that documents how much plastic material is generated by the agricultural sector across Canada. The research provides in-depth figures that will help guide the ag sector as it explores how agricultural plastics packaging and products can contribute to Canada’s emerging circular… Read More

Over the past 32 years, Cleanfarms has calculated the rolling three-year average recycling rate of agricultural pesticide and fertilizer containers that are 23 litres and smaller. Cleanfarms has just calculated the 2020 recycling rate, which shows another major surge in recycling of these containers. In 2018, the rolling average rate was 64 per cent; in… Read More

Five projects focused on improving agriculture plastic waste management and bioplastics research will see a share of $4.5 million in funding via the federal government. Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Marie-Claude Bibeau announced the funding today alongside Cleanfarms, a national non-profit industry stewardship organization. Cleanfarms will receive up to $1.1 million through the Canadian Agricultural Strategic… Read More

Canadian farmers are continuing to show their commitment to sustainability on the farm by returning agricultural plastic waste, such as empty pesticide and fertilizer containers and grain bags for recycling, to Cleanfarms’ Ag-Waste Environmental programs. Cleanfarms released its 2019 Annual Report for its five permanent collection programs. The programs available are: single-use plastic pesticide and… Read More

As Monday marks the start of Earth Week, Cleanfarms is celebrating its 30th anniversary. The organization started as a voluntary stewardship program in the prairies to collect empty agricultural plastic jugs and over the years has since expanded across Canada. In total, Cleanfarms has recycled approximately 126 million 23L-and-under plastic jugs since inception. The collection… Read More