Biologicals have tremendous potential to help growers manage the stresses that impact corn throughout the growing season. Questions remain, however, on how to deploy these products, which include living organisms, bacteria, amino acids or plant extracts, in the pursuit of higher corn yields. AGRIS Co-operative agronomy strategy manager Dale Cowan has been testing biologicals for… Read More

Corn plants need boron throughout the growing season. The uptake curve for the micronutrient is pretty linear from emergence to black layer, but making boron available in the ear later in the season, where it plays an important role in sugar movement and developing kernels, can be difficult. The challenge, says AGRIS Co-operative senior agronomist… Read More

Ontario winter wheat growers are crossing their fingers and holding their breath as a potential record crop heads into its final weeks of grain fill and approaches harvest. RealAgriculture agronomist Peter Johnson says a key yield indicator he’s been watching is the number of seeds at each spikelet. He notes that growers have been sharing… Read More

As the calendar pushes to mid-June, growers in areas of the province still struggling with wet planting conditions are now deciding whether to try to plant corn, switch to soybeans, or make unseeded acreage claims. Agronomists and ag reps attending a Ridgetown, Ont., virtual Ag Business Breakfast Meeting on Tuesday did their best to assess… Read More

Planting across Ontario is nearing completion in many regions, but excessive rain continues to stall progress in some areas, leaving farmers to contemplate switching intended corn acres to soybeans. It’s a decision that has significant cropping implications, says RealAgriculture agronomist Peter Johnson, and he wants growers to look at all the potential impacts before making… Read More

Once nitrogen fertilizer lands on or in soil it may be at risk of loss — through leaching, volatilization, or denitrification. Management choices can minimize losses, through split-application, deep banding, or choice of product, but adding an enhanced efficiency fertilizer product can guard against loss, too. How the products work, when to use which, and… Read More

There’s plenty of crop management data available to growers in our mobile, connected world and it moves at ever-increasing velocity. On this episode of the RealAgriculture Corn School, AGRIS agronomist Dale Cowan looks at simple ways growers can tap into this data to make in-season management decisions and also run field trials to evaluate how… Read More