It only takes 15 seconds for a summer hailstorm to terrorize a soybean field and turn a great-looking crop into a nightmare. But soybeans are tough, as we discover on this episode of the RealAgriculture Soybean School where we catch up with AGRIS Co-operative agronomist Dale Cowan near Mount Brydges, Ont., after a mid-July hailstorm…. Read More

A soil nitrate test is an excellent way to measure nitrogen mineralized from the soil over the spring. The test offers a window into the temperature and moisture mix of a particular season to-date and helps inform the critical side-dress N amount on corn. Dale Cowan, senior agronomists with AGRIS Co-op, pulled nitrate tests from… Read More

Across Ontario, a stretch of dry weather has helped pushed corn planting past 80 per cent complete in many areas. “Things are rolling right along,” reports RealAgriculture agronomist Peter Johnson. In his area of southwestern Ontario, “corn is wrapping up and growers are rolling hard into soybeans,” he told a Tuesday morning virtual agribusiness breakfast… Read More

In 2023, the Ontario Agricultural Hall of Fame (OAHF) will induct David Biesenthal, Dale Cowan, Mack Emiry, Richard Frank, Brian Gilroy, Peter Gould, Carolynne Griffith, Ray Robertson, Robert James Scott, Tarlok Singh Sahota, and Doug Wagner. The new OAHF nominees represent a wide range of industry sectors, disciplines and organizations including agronomy and crop consulting,… Read More

The Christmas presents have been opened and you’ve finished the turkey leftovers. What’s next for the holidays? Why not binge soybean videos! The RealAgriculture Soybean School published 30 videos in 2022 and here’s your chance to see what you missed or do a double take on your favourite episodes. The 2022 season kicked off with… Read More

The Christmas holidays are here! What better way to spend the time than catching some of the 30 Corn School episodes RealAgriculture published in 2022? We kicked off the season in January with Purdue University agronomy professor Dr. Tony Vyn who tackled the question: where does yield come from? Vyn notes that hybrid research over… Read More

Keeping a close eye on crop canopy development can help growers better manage soybean crops. From helping select the best row spacing for a specific variety, to improving weed control there’s much to learn from understanding the speed at which a soybean variety closes the row as well as plant characteristics and architecture. On this… Read More