Putting down fertilizer or acting as a back-up seeder, the Degelman Pro-Cast precision granular applicator is designed to mount on Degelman’s Pro-Till high performance discs or Strawmaster heavy harrow units. Derek Molnar, territory manager at Degelman, says the unit will fit on the Pro-Till 30 up to the company’s Pro-Till 45 as well as the… Read More

This year may not have been a wet one for much of western Canada, but those years sure happen. When they do, Degelman’s Scorpion Hitch is designed to get seed and fertilizer done in one pass in less than ideal conditions, says Derek Molnar. RealAgriculture’s Kara Oosterhuis caught up with Molnar at the Degelman booth… Read More

Farmers are always thinking of ways to be more efficient: why make two or three passes through the field if you only need one? Degelman developed its Pro-Till to work land that had to be brought into shape, but farmers started asking if they could do more with this piece of equipment, explains Laird McLeod,… Read More