Thanks for tuning into this Wednesday edition of RealAg Radio. Host Shaun Haney is joined by: Anne Wasko of the Gateway Livestock Exchange with a Beef Market Update; Nathan Phinney, president of the Canadian Cattle Association, on what happened at Tuesday’s trilateral meeting between Canada, Mexico and U.S. officials at CattleCon24; Don Close with Terrain… Read More

With an eye to the future, cattle prices and cut-out values will eventually have to reflect significant shifts in labour and robotics, packaging, transport, and sustainability demands on the sector. Over the last 23 months, there’s been a lot of talk about supply chains moving from just-in-time delivery to a more of a just-in-case type… Read More

It’s our last day of broadcasting from San Antonio, Texas. On today’s show, hear: The top ag news stories of the day; An update from the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association, their current objectives, USMCA, labelling, and more, with John Masswohl, director of government and international relations; Breaking down trade, demand, and subsidies impacting the beef industry,… Read More