Legumes, such as alfalfa, trefoil, and sainfoin, are a great feed source, are excellent for soil health, and play a role in sequestering carbon in the soil. According to emerging research by Dr. Bart Lardner, legumes in the bovine diet also lowers methane emissions, one of the components being measured in an on-going research project… Read More
Tag: Dr Bart Lardner
Drought can be an unavoidable issue in some areas which can require cattle producers to make some tough decisions, especially when excessively dry conditions persist for years at at a time with little to no relief. This topic is one well researched by Dr. Bart Lardner, professor at the University of Saskatchewan, and he says… Read More
Corn is an attractive crop for cattle producers — as silage and as an extended or winter grazing option. But corn is also mighty pricey to grow, and can require new equipment to get it in the ground. Does grazing corn really pay? To find out, Shaun Haney met with Dr. Bart Lardner, with the… Read More
Well-managed pastures can produce good yields for years, but will produce best if fertility of those pastures is planned for the long-term. Big producing pastures require big fertility numbers, though grazing helps to cycle these nutrients back to the soil. Over-grazing, too low or high stocking densities and time all can begin to mine pasture… Read More