Need an excuse to take a trip to a warmer place this winter? Can it be justified as a field trip for the farm? Cold temperatures might be a good enough reason to head south, and maybe it’s easy for him to say because he’s newly retired, but the former CEO of the Canadian International Grains… Read More
Tag: Earl Geddes
Cigi’s board of directors announced today the retirement of Earl Geddes, chief executive officer (CEO), effective September 8, 2014. Since 2009, Geddes has led Cigi through a challenging period including a transition in marketing from the Canadian Wheat Board monopoly era to an open marketing system for wheat and barley in Western Canada. Also, during… Read More
Cigi (more formally the Canadian International Grains Institute) is on the receiving end of a Canadian government commitment to the tune of $6.4 million to establish a Moroccan National Durum Technical Training Centre (DTTC) in Casablanca. According to a Cigi press release, funding from the Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD) over the… Read More
The Canadian wheat industry is changing, especially in the west. The elimination of the single desk is the key factor driving that change. Across the country, everyone involved in the industry is evaluating and strategizing in an effort to determine how this will affect their business and what they have to do to successfully adjust… Read More
Have you heard of CIGI? Do you know what CIGI does? Does the Canadian International Grain Institute make a difference for Canadian farmers and industry? You bet!!! I recently stopped at CIGI’s office in Winnipeg and had a great time learning about what CIGI is and what they do. I had what I thought was… Read More