On this weekend’s show, host Shaun Haney discusses: Kody Blois’ private member’s bill C-359, which is aimed at speeding up approvals of new agriculture products; AgriRecovery details for Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia; Canadian Farmer Sentiment Index thoughts; and, Elaine Froese, farm family coach, on when to walk away from the farm transition. Thoughts on… Read More

Thanks for tuning into Tuesdays with Lyndsey on RealAg Radio, hosted by Lyndsey Smith. On the show: Elaine Froese, Farm Family Coach, on when to walk away from the farm transition; A clip from our Profitable Practice on stripper headers with Darren Maddess; Lorne Grieger with Prairie Agriculture Machinery Institute on managing header losses in… Read More

If you are a farmer or farm business owner, succession planning is a critical process that you cannot afford to overlook. Succession planning involves transferring ownership and management of your farm business to the next generation, and it is essential for ensuring the long-term viability of your business and your family’s financial future. In this… Read More

There’s no denying that farming is a string of tough decisions, from managing finances, inputs, and equipment, to deciding rotations, and managing pests and disease. However, something that perhaps takes the cake for difficult decisions and conversations is farm succession as a whole. Not only are there big business decisions to be made when developing… Read More

Family farms that hold regular business meetings are 21 per cent more profitable than those who don’t. That may be, but the mere mention of “meeting” likely makes you roll your eyes or maybe grumble in disapproval. Family meetings might bring up some not-so-pleasant memories, but Elaine Froese, farm family coach, says it doesn’t have… Read More

Elaine Froese has been named the recipient of 4-H Canada’s first-ever distinguished alumni award. The award recognizes outstanding accomplishments and leadership of 4-H alumni across Canada, in the areas of community engagement and communications, science and technology, environment, and healthy living, or sustainable agriculture and food security. Froese is being recognized for her accomplishments in community… Read More