It’s been 10 years since Farm & Food Care Ontario hosted its first Breakfast on the Farm. Over the past decade, an estimated 30,000 people have attended the events at farms across Ontario with many visiting a farm for the first time to learn about where their food comes from and how it’s produced. On… Read More

Jean Sullivan, prolific volunteer and advocate for agriculture, has been named the 2023 Farm & Food Care Champion. Sullivan, who hails from the Ottawa Valley, received the Food & Farming Champion Award at the Farm & Food Care Ontario’s (FFCO) AGM held at Elora, Ont. on Wednesday. Each year, the award is named in recognition… Read More

Farm & Food Care Ontario (FFCO) will receive $547,200 for outreach initiatives over the next three years, through provincial funding announced April 13, 2022. The new funding will be put towards supporting five of the organization’s activities, all designed to raise awareness and appreciation of Ontario farmers and food producers. The funding will support:  FFCO’s Breakfast on/from… Read More

Canadian teachers will have access to a new resource developed by Farm & Food Care (FFC) and Agriculture in the Classroom Canada (AITC-C). The Real Dirt on Farming in the Classroom (RDOF) was produced by AITC-C, working in collaboration with FFC, and will be distributed virtually with the help of AITC-C’s provincial agriculture in the classroom organizations. Teachers will… Read More

It’s been 30 years since a fledgling organization called the Ontario Farm Animal Council began working to counter the efforts of activists opposed to animal agriculture in Ontario. After three decades, which included a name change and an amalgamation with AgCare, a like-minded farm organization concerned about resources and environmental stewardship, Farm & Food Care… Read More