It was strong demand for oilseed that resulted in a record number of acres of canola being planted in Western Canada this spring. Unfortunately, that record number of acres didn’t translate into a record crop. Weather, disease and other factors gave the Western Canadian canola crop a solid beating this year. The result, as Moe… Read More

As the soybean harvest kicks off in Ontario, farmers are enjoying high prices, but the question is always, for how long? We caught up with’s Moe Agostino at Canada’s Outdoor Farm Show last week hot on the heels of the USDA report. His call? We’re at the top of the soybean market, and next… Read More

Commodities markets are a very complex ecosystem. On the surface it may seem as simple as supply and demand affecting pricing on any given commodity. That is true, but underneath is a very complex web that ties a number of different commodities together. When it comes to effectively predicting which way prices are going to… Read More

The story for corn in 2012 is going to depend on a number of things. Numbers are first and foremost the determining factor in this story. How much demand will there be globally? How many acres are going to be planted? How much good seed is available to be planted? What will the yields look… Read More

Moe Agostino, from Risk Management reports on yesterday’s USDA report which has really thrown the corn and soybean market into a bearish tailspin.  the market was somewhat surprised by the numbers but the reality is that ending stocks in corn, wheat and soybeans is not good if you are looking for higher prices. As… Read More