Rainy weather during the in-crop weed control season can make it difficult to give corn want it wants to maintain maximum yield potential: that long critical weed-free period. The difference between fields that received pre-emerge applications and those that did not is quite noticeable in southern Manitoba (and many other areas) this year, as regular… Read More
Tag: Field 2 Field Agronomy
Thanks for tuning in to this Agronomic Tuesday edition of RealAg Radio with host Shaun Haney, brought to you by Cargill Marketsense. We will hear from Peter Johnson of RealAgriculture on night crawlers, soil health and much more! Then, we’ll hear from John Heard on the new Prairie Nutrient Removal calculator, and an interview Kelvin… Read More
“We’ve always done it that way” isn’t always the best approach in farming, and that includes the decision on how much fertilizer to put down with canola at seeding. Canola is sensitive to fertilizer toxicity, especially in dry soil conditions. It’s well worth revisiting what’s traditionally been considered a safe rate in the seed row,… Read More
A soybean plant’s yield potential is closely linked to the number of nodes — the part where a leaf is attached to the stem — it develops prior to flowering and forming pods. Two million nodes per acre is a recommended target, explains Jason Voogt, independent agronomist and owner of Field 2 Field Agronomy in… Read More
Certain herbicides have done plenty of heavy lifting when it comes to the fight against weeds over the last number of decades, but as herbicide resistance becomes more common, it’s important to spread out that workload whenever possible. Corn is often a crop where there are more herbicide options, explains Jeanette Gaultier, technical services specialist… Read More
The rule of thumb for planting soybeans in Western Canada has generally been to wait until the soil is 10 degrees C — often after canola is in the ground, but there are a number of reasons, including historical yield data, that suggest the crop would benefit from earlier planting. This Soybean School episode, recorded… Read More