The storage of your crop is one of the most important steps in the cropping cycle but it is one that is quite often mismanaged and not properly executed. Every farmer has a part of a bin before no matter good of a farmer you are. At the Southwest Agricultural conference Helmut Spieser, OMAFRA talked… Read More
Tag: Food And Rural Affairs
Whether you farm in Ontario or the west it is time to start thinking about spraying your winter wheat with fungicide to protect it from leaf diseases like septoria or powdery mildew. When spraying fungicides there are many considerations that need to be taken into account. Nozzle selection, nozzle position, water volume, and sprayer boom… Read More
Have you ever had visitors to your farm that wish never came? Some of the worst unwanted visitors to you your farm are bugs in your wheat bin. Farming is very hard work. It takes incredible fortitude, perseverance and a little luck to get the crop in the bin in a timely manner with high… Read More
Many times farmers think that once the wheat crop is harvested the pressure is off and it is time to relax. A lot of things can go wrong inside the bin. One of the troubles many people have is that they cannot see into the bin. Ignoring the grain temperature, moisture and some other things… Read More