With record prices and strong profits over the last year, are we on the verge of seeing renewed excitement about pig production in Canada? The previous decade was filled with challenges, but with pork prices where they’ve been over the last year, there should be some incentive to build new barns, or at least fill… Read More

There is pressure building in the halls of Washington to rescind the mandatory ethanol mandates.  With tightening supplies of corn creating higher feed prices for livestock producers and higher food costs for consumers, the pressure mounting  in Washington is real. To this point though, according to Kevin Grier of the George Morris Center, nothing has changed.  Kevin believes that… Read More

This week the George Morris Center released a paper, which discusses the TPP negotiations and the potential impact on supply management.  Al Mussell is the author of the report and he strongly believes that the TPP / supply management discussion is not an all or none scenario. DOWNLOAD THE REPORT Al Mussell believes that Canadian trade negotiators can… Read More

The American market is very important to the Canadian cattle industry. Domestic policies in the United States can greatly impact the Canadian industry. Just think about Country of Origin Labelling (COOL) and the discussion in Canada in terms of mitigating its impact. There are some proposed changes to GIPSA potentially coming and questions and several… Read More