Soybeans are most often grown places that get abundant rain, particularly in August. This usually happens in southern Manitoba, so an unusual problem is emerging there: soybeans are drying down, but staying green. In this episode of the Soybean School, RealAgriculture’s Dale Leftwich talks to Glenda Clezy, regional grow team advisor with Federated Co-op, about soybeans… Read More

RealAg Radio host Shaun Haney, opens agronomic Monday with news about a new app from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (AAFC). Saskatchewan field editor Dale Leftwich speaks to field crop entomologist Tyler Wist, from AAFC, about their new Cereal Aphid Manager (CAM) app. It’s the first app AAFC has ever had and features pictures both of the… Read More

Pulse planting conditions were mostly dry this spring, but many farmers were able to seed into moisture. In most cases, plant emergence has been good, and with recent rains the crop is ready to move into high gear. That means it’s time to do some scouting! Dale Leftwich, Saskatchewan field editor for RealAgriculture, stopped in… Read More

The painted lady caterpillar, also known as the thistle caterpillar, is typically something pulse growers in Western Canada have seen as a beneficial insect. This is because it feeds on Canada thistle. However, as seen in 2017, the painted lady caterpillar also likes to chew on soybeans, causing leaf damage and potential yield losses. In… Read More

Not only are there legalities that need to be considered when purchasing and planting off-patent soybean seed, as we discussed in an earlier Soybean School feature, but there are also agronomic considerations. Due to the nature of the off-patent soybean seed market, assurances for the grower on maturity, germination, quality, and purity are often lacking… Read More

Crop diseases, including those that affect pulses, can develop quickly if conditions are ripe. Add to that that fungicide products are nearly all protective and not curative, and timing and application becomes crucial to effective use of the products. In this SoundCloud interview, Debra Murphy, Saskatchewan field editor for, asks Glendy Clezy and Todd… Read More