According to a Canadian veteran journalist, the days are numbered for the Leader of the Official Opposition. Long time journalist for the Globe and Mail John Ibbitson recently wrote that Conservative Party of Canada Leader Andrew Scheer “does not appear to be up to the challenge.” Scheer’s critics, including Ibbitson, argue a change in leadership… Read More

Barriers to entry are keeping the very people who should be growing cannabis out of the picture. That’s one of the reasons cannabis professional reporter with The Globe and Mail Jameson Berkow is calling Canada’s first year of legalized cannabis a dud. The verdict is in, and Year One of legalized cannabis in Canada was… Read More

Access to rural broadband Internet is a crucial part of running a successful farm and farm business. Whether it’s access to information, ability to use technology, or running a business from a rural area, Internet speed, access, and cost is becoming increasingly important for Canada’s rural areas. As the importance of rural Internet service rises,… Read More

Many people think illicit drugs are “big city” problems, and that rural areas are somehow more wholesome and immune to issues with addiction and hard drugs. A recent study, however, spells out the very opposite — for a number of reasons, those who live in Canada’s rural areas and cities under 100,000 are actually at… Read More

Today on RealAg Radio, host Shaun Haney hones in on some very important issues to agriculture and rural communities. Whether it’s the economy, trade, the opioid crisis, or political issues, we have you covered today on the show. You’ll hear from: Former federal minister of agriculture Gerry Ritz on trade issues and a few other… Read More