Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Finance Minister Bill Morneau have rolled out a series of economic measures to assist Canadian workers and business owners in dealing with the realities of COVID-19. Agriculture was mentioned as the Prime Minister said, “for farmers and our primary food producers we will boost Farm Credit Canada.” “For farmers and… Read More

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has announced his new, larger cabinet set to face the many challenges ahead for Canada, including regional disgruntlement, a threatened economy, and trade disruption around the world. Agriculture is in the middle of all of the these great challenges. Quebec MP Marie-Claude Bibeau will return as minister of Agriculture and Agri-food,… Read More

The second phase of the Dairy Farm Investment program will start accepting applications in the New Year. The federal program is a five-year, $250-million program to “help Canadian cow’s milk producers improve productivity through upgrades to their equipment.” The government says the program is designed to assist dairy producers adapt to the anticipated impacts of… Read More

In mid September, the federal government announced the list of prescribed regions eligible for drought-related livestock tax deferral. The break was welcomed, however ranchers and producer groups criticized the government’s approach, saying it left out too many drought-affected producers. Announced October 31st, the federal government says it is taking steps to answer some of that… Read More

The federal government, led by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, revealed its latest budget, and agriculture and agri-food figures prominently in the 2017-18 fiscal plan. From new export targets and spending programs designed to “uncap the potential of the agriculture industry,” this budget commits $8.2 billion under the Skills and Innovation Plan with a goal of… Read More