As January marches towards a close, there’s plenty happening across the country. On this Tuesday edition of RealAg Radio, you’ll hear: Derek Johnson, the new Minister of Manitoba Agriculture, and the priority list for the province as he starts in the role; Greg Dahl, senior research at WinField United, on why plants can’t eat rocks;… Read More
Tag: Greg Dahl
There are more than a dozen decisions to make before the sprayer hits the field. Are conditions right? Are the tank-mix partners correct? Do I have the right nozzles? How’s my water? Should I be adding in something more? The key to making the right call for these and all the other decisions that go… Read More
There are significant differences between what is available in Canada and the U.S. when it comes to adjuvant additions to the spray tank. But that’s not to say there aren’t options for Canadian farmers — there are — and knowing what’s available, how they work, and when to use them is key to getting the… Read More