Many farmers in 2019 will be harvesting late-planted corn that struggled to mature as combines roll through fields this fall. Much of that corn will likely be heading directly to the elevator, but there will be marketing opportunities for growers who are willing to dry and store that grain. On this episode of RealAgriculture’s Corn… Read More

The 2018 Ontario soybean harvest got off to a roaring start in early fall but quickly ground to a halt as poor weather parked combines. In early December, many growers are still struggling to bin their beans. The wet weather has left growers asking how they can manage higher moisture, wet soybeans. Management decisions are… Read More

Are you spending too much on energy to power your farm? Do you know the major energy users on your farm? If you don’t know the answers to those questions you have some work to do, says Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs engineer James Dyck. Energy prices have soared in recent years… Read More

Mechanically harvesting, drying and handling grain corn can compromise quality and take a bite out of a grower’s bottom line. Earlier this fall, OMAFRA crop systems and environment engineer James Dyck worked with Dietrich Farms of Lucan, Ontario to study mechanical breakage – the impact it has on dockage and what growers can do to… Read More