After receiving backlash to a proposed voluntary code of practice for grain production, dubbed “Responsible Grain,” in 2021, the Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Crops (CRSC) has gone back to the drawing board and is nearing completion of a new yet-to-be-named document that is supposed to highlight the sustainable practices used on Canadian farms. Consultations are… Read More

The Alberta Wheat Commission (AWC) passed a resolution to pursue a farmer plebiscite to amalgamate with Alberta Barley at their annual general meeting (AGM) January 26. Alberta Barley passed a similar resolution during their AGM in Banff last month, giving the two commissions the ability to conduct a farmer plebiscite on the future of the… Read More

Last winter, a draft of a code of practice for Canadian grain farmers created significant push-back from growers. Following a consultation period, the majority of feedback was “unsupportive” of the code, as written. The feedback provided pushed the Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Crops (CRSC) to take a step back, and further dig in to the “why”… Read More