Some grain production analysts are calling for another extraordinary wheat harvest in Argentina, on the back of a record-setting year for 2018/19. “Last season we had a record harvest in our country,” says Javier Preciado Patiño with eFarmNews. “Farmers collected 150 million tons of grain, basically: corn, 55 million tons, wheat, 25 million tons, and… Read More

In today’s episode of the show, you’ll hear: Top ag news with RealAgriculture’s Lyndsey Smith; Lyndsey and Shaun challenge each other in a low-stakes, high-fun game of Buying or Selling; Javier Preciado Patiño with eFarmNews joins Shaun to talk about agriculture in Argentina; and Jim Wiesemeyer of Pro Farmer discusses what’s going on between U.S…. Read More