Jenneth Johanson farms in an atypical growing region at Lac du Bonnet, Man., about 100 km northeast of Winnipeg. She farms on productive land where the eastern Prairie meets the Canadian Shield, some of which is classified as organic soil: peat. Farming on peat has its challenges: it has low water holding capacity, it’s high… Read More

It’s a wonderful Wednesday! On today’s episode of RealAg Radio, you’ll hear: The top ag news stories of the day with host Shaun Haney; Pam de Rocquigny, executive director of the Manitoba Crop Alliance (MCA), on the new group and what their plans are heading forward; Jenneth Johanson, president of Prairie Oat Growers Association (POGA),… Read More

The Prairie Oat Growers Association (POGA) announced Wednesday morning Jenneth Johanson is taking over the role as president. Johanson, calls Lac de Bonnet, Manitoba, home and began her term on the POGA board in 2016. On top of regular board duties, she has participated in the federal delegation to China twice and also sits on… Read More