Whether work is happening on a grain farm, in a barn, or at a feedlot, farms can be dangerous places. Not only is it important to recognize the different hazards that farmers and their families face on a regular basis, but knowing how to prevent them and then knowing how to handle an emergency when… Read More

Starting this month, the Farm Freedom and Safety Act (FFSA) has come into effect. Put in place by the Alberta Government, the Act — known as Bill 26 — is a replacement of Bill 6, introduced by the previous NDP government. In it, there’s changes to current employment, workers compensation coverage (WCB), and occupational health… Read More

As harvest is in full force for most, it’s always good practise to be up to snuff when it comes to fire safety on the farm. Depending on where you live, conditions could be favourable for the smallest spark to light a grass fire. That being said, regular harvest conditions can lead to the potential… Read More